28 de dez. de 2020


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 Hi my seguidarlys in today's post I come with a wonderful tip.

I already want to wish a Happy New Year, that 2021 is better than 2020 and that we can meet and meet. 

Well my seguidarlys today I come to talk about the online store Holapick.

On the site, she is a global online store that offers the latest fashion for you! We have dresses, tops, pants and bikinis for girls and ladies. Thousands of products in different styles are waiting for you!

We value all our customers: Our professional customer service team is always available to assist you. Your satisfaction is our priority!

In addition, you can easily place your order anywhere in the world thanks to our worldwide shipping service!

And of course I will give those spoilers for you, I separated some pieces to make you curious, and look go check out that there is much more.

Well first I come with casual jackets for women, wow you will be delighted, difficult to find a piece that you like more.

1. This piece is very beautiful, in addition to the color that is amazing it also leaves any look with style.

2. This particular piece brings me a lot of comfort, since we imagine being in front of a fire place, or wearing it in more comfortable looks.

Well I want your opinion about the two models I chose, leave it here in the comments.

The second trendy cardigan option, are pieces with more personality I found beautiful, I separated two that I liked the most, check the bottom.

1. Wow I found that it models very well on the body and has other color options too, I loved it.

2. This piece I confess that I have never seen anything like it, brings me the image of comfort and sophistication, it is a piece that you can use at a dinner party and also to enjoy a movie and family, I already want your opinion.
Well that was it my seguidarlys, I really hope it helps you, in fact online shopping today is a great option when buying.
Kisses and see you soon.

25 de dez. de 2020


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Olá meus seguidarlys passando aqui só pra desejar um Feliz Natal, que Deus abençoe muito vocês, e claro que vim com dica neh? 
Bom recentemente eu postei um vídeo no meu Instagram, mostrando como fazer o Mel de Babosa, isso mesmo, já ouviram falar dessa receitinha? 

Então clique aqui para conferir o vídeo. 

Mais vamos aos ingredientes 

Babosa, Água, Recipiente de vidro com tampa e um liquidificador 

A medida de Babosa é a mesma pra medida da água, aí você vai bater no liquidificador (bate bem).

Depois deixe 2 dias na geladeira, vai perceber que houve mudanças na cor da mistura. 
Bom agora é só usar nos tratamentos, você vai ver o poder de hidratação dessa misturinha, com certeza vai se apaixonar. 

(na geladeira pode ser conservada por 2 messes) 

É isso meus seguidarlys um enorme beijo pra vocês e até breve. 

24 de dez. de 2020


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Hi my followers, I wish you all a great new year, God bless and keep you.

Well today is another wonderful tip for you, in times of pandemic, many migrated to online shopping, for safety and health too.

And I come again to talk about Prestarrs, a website designed and created to offer the best shopping experience for you woman.

About shop: she is your complete online store for modern, irresistible and affordable women's clothing. Never before has dressing been so easy. Our carefully selected dress selection is always at the best prices on the market. We are committed to providing high quality fashion women's clothing that will make them fresh and stylish every day at a competitive price. We believe that every woman has the right to dress well and show her best side to the world. 

Our online store is full of the hottest trends of the season, available in all sizes. With a wide selection of colors and styles, you can easily buy something for your daily outfit. In just a few clicks, fill your wardrobe.

(information about the site)

Now I will show some pieces that I found and take advantage of that the site is full of promotions.

1. There you will find pieces, fashion hoodies, pieces that besides style are pure comfort and the best will keep you warm and stylish, just check out my choices.

First there is a variety of colors, I loved the design on the print, very beautiful, I loved the yellow, and which one would you choose?

Look how stylish, I loved that you can use it with leggie and jeans, besides being very stylish, it's really cute, so it will keep you warm. 

2. There you can also find popular sweatshirts that are pieces that are very expressive, always have a fun print, I loved it, look at my choices below, already commenting which one I would choose.

What I liked most about this piece, was that the colors are beautiful, and the detail in the piece is subtle and at the same time very stylish, I loved it, I think that's true joy.

Wow how cute this piece, people I confess will be an impossible mission to choose just one, besides the beautiful colors, it has an important message, always smile, I just loved it.

That's it, my followers, keep taking care, and to make your purchases, check out Prestarrs, you'll be enchanted with the pieces, a variety of colors and sizes, kisses for you and happy 2021.

See you later

8 de dez. de 2020


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Oi meus seguidarlys hoje o post é muito especial, a convite da a mybest Brasil, eu falei qual é o meu shampoo favorito, aquele que não abro mão na hora de lavar meus fios. 

A mybest é um site que produz conteúdo para ajudar os consumidores a fazerem boas

escolhas de compra pela internet. Por meio de artigos e resenhas, eles ensinam os leitores o passo a

passo para a escolha de diversos tipos de produtos. Além disso, eles também disponibilizam listas e rankings dos melhores produtos para compra online.

E olha além do meu favorito, outras mulheres maravilhosas também compartilhou, o shampoo favorito delas. (no total são 11 resenhas fácil e práticas de ler, não é maravilhoso?) 

Clique aqui e confira o post na íntegra, espero contar com vocês, vão lá prestigiar essa blogueira iniciante. 

Volta aqui e comenta qual dos shampoons que tem por lá vocês usariam ou ja usou, enfim vamos interagir. 

Beijos e até breve.